Sunday, March 16, 2008

About blog

This is the first blog I have ever had, of course not include

Qzone and I learn a lot to do this project. What I really want

to say is about all these writing which teacher ask to do which

improve our memorize of this units. I still can remember

animal experiment and revelution units which I love so much.

At the end of course I want to say I hope you guys can come

to school on time.

Also I want to say at this depart time I hope everyone In

this class can have a successful life and also best wishs for our

teachers lili and Adrianne, happy everyday~~~~~~~~~~~


First of all I want to thanks our teachers give us this

oppourtunity to do the presentation. From what I do I learn a

lot of in this field. Also from listenning others presentation a lot

of other knowledge I can learn. when I prepare my presentation,

I thought this may be never end. A lot of resources and also a

lot of pictures I should find in order to give a wonderful

presentation. After I finished writing my rearch paper, Adrianne

ask me can I be a volunter to do the presentation. The first one

to do the presentation has a lot of benifits, and what I do is just

give their some information. I learn a lot from Questation period.

Acctully I think my prestation is OK not too long and tedious.

From others I think they all do a wonderful job. And they well


Sunday, March 9, 2008


1 what is the defintion of International marketing??

2what is difference between domestic and international marketing?

3list the factors that influence international marking

4Give stactisics to support the war which infulence the

international making.

5 list aspect of domestic environment and foreign encironment and

by contractiong list the differences.

6 what is example of mobile phones want to say???

7 How international marking to adapt new environment?

8 what are the factors that prevent it??

Exam Anxiety

Acctully I have an experience of Exam Anxiety when I attended

the University/collage enterence exam which was the most

important exam during the student time. At that time I started to

think how could I get high mark and be accepted by university.

everynight I could not sleep. After I took a course from my high

school(before exam people who are in this field came to help us)

They told us just to relax and if you don't want to study just take

time to relax. since than I started to learn how to avoid exam


Monday, March 3, 2008

Research paper

Finally it's down....... During the hole process, I learned a lot, in

terms of how to do it and what kind of meterials are requaired

in order to write the aspect of it. At first I don't know how to

find a reliable sources, after learning from the lab,(first time went

to English lab.

Acctully I'm very luck. maybe first weekend I did too much, and

I left a lot of time for my correction, fix mistake, and also very

relax during others hard work time. maybe this is what i need

after I went to university. The most important I learn from this is

reference list. I will do a lot of papers after I go into university

I think this is the most important skills to use in university.

Also I mad a lot of mistakes during this paper. what I will

do is that I will start to read what I write after I finish writing.

concedered that grammer mistakes.

Overall , I enjoy this process very much , and what I espect

is do another research project in this level(kidding).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

commont on prejudice

In our scioty, a lot people more or less have descrimation with another group

people. people who are prejudice against may feel sad, although sometimes people are

sub-consious. I don't know if people who in a higher class descrmation you what you

gonna think about that, but let's image. everyone here has/had beed descrmation by

others whether in canada or in there own countries.

you probably feel painful when a group people descrmation you, but you need to

think how about people you have/ had descrmated.

In terms of this we need understand people before you descrmation others.

I think that everyone have has own intellgent and weekness. we can more focus on the

good point they have. Try to understand he/she first than dicided what to do with

he/she. For me , I really change my mind after I learn this unit, I understand that

we can more focus on the good point not weekness, for one people.

In that case, treat everyone equially.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Evolution and animal experiment

In this level, I have already learn a lot of interesting units since now. In terms of

content evolution and animal experiment, because that more or less is in my field. when

I was in high school my bilology teacher thought me a lot about evolution. Th is also a

unit which started in my filed first time. In order to know how to use another

language to explain a theroy. In terms of language skill , I first learn how to use

paraphase, and from the writting I learn how to correct mistakes. the most

important step is try to read outloud.

The unit in animal experiment I learn we need treat animal fair, because from
what I know, the animal experienment not always work, nowadays people are

clever than any living species. how about one day, a new species take people's

possion what we can do if they want use people do the experiment.

Monday, February 18, 2008

lecture report

this is the work place where Theo
Jansen create his own animals ---
strandbeest . He want to leave his
creatures on the beach forever.
Due to the fact that his strandbeest will survive in the beach, his creatures will face a lot of problems include the energy of his creatures , avoid the sea water which can damage the leg system, and also how to survive in a storm. In order to cope with this kind of problems, the most important step is evolution. The first strandbeest he created is required by human force. With the time went on, he found another way to force it which is the wind. The second step of evolution is add features in the back of beach animals(strandbeest). By adding those features the strandbeest can walk by themselves(forced by the wind). The third step is that restore the wind energy which he called this system is “stomach” system. The wind energy went into the plastic bottles and restored, the wind in the bottle also can help the brain system.
The challenge part of strandbeest is brain system. When the summer time comes, a lot of thunder storms also comes. This storms have huge damage for his creatures. So he need a brain to tell the strandbeest how to react when their is a storm comes. The brain system is made by the bottles with wind energy, a plastic tube is linked with the bottles when the strandbeest went to the sea, the plastic tube is full of water, the wind in the bottles will push to create a sound. Thus people know that the strandbeest went to the sea. The unbelievable part is that he called “nose” part it is a hammer which can deeply tack it into the sand near the beach. When the storm is coming the hammer can push the tubes into the sand to help the strandbeest survive.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


According to Official data which was done in 2003 china have the

highest population all over the world which was 1.3billion people

(1306280000) not include HongKong area.

One thing is very funny in my family is very funny because my

grandfathers and my grandmothers both have 5 children. my

parents have two children my sister and I. Of course people

among my age only have one child because of "one child policy"

in china. Acctully I want have two children if I can . when I in

the metro system in the city of Beijing , It is so croud and I

can't move at all. Beijing has more than 1 3million people.

For normal people the only thing just can afford there basic

needed and also for education. There are two extreme life in

china, For thos who are millions or billions they enjoy the

lexury life, but for those who are poor only can support for


There are significant population shift from rural area to urban

area because of education for next genoration and also qulaity

life . The consequences of this are bring huge amout people

leave their place where their family lives for hundreds of years

and also left a lot of land which were used for farming.

In my opinion population growth bring us many

disadvantages we need to do something to control this problem.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Theo jansen strandbeest

It was a wonderful lecture we attended. we saw what called strandbeest. It was make by plastic tobus.

Novel Project

The book what I read is crossbone which was Newyork bestseller

in 2000. I don't why her reader put this high in New york bestseller

Story first is too techniqol details and which didn't fit the story and

useless for the end of story.

Compared with other books I more like book life of pi. Because

book has a good setting and also is based on a real story. When I

was listenning to the story I really enjoyed it a lot.

Alis Grace is also a good book to read. According to what I heared

from presentation I understand more or less about intellgent gril in

19th centry. They tend to do things less tough than men.

The presentation they gave was wonderful and I hope I have a

chance to read all the book later.

Monday, February 4, 2008

critical thinking

Acctully what I think about critical thinking is that what we had already done in many

fields, such as when we raad flyers we always choose the cheapest one to buy if it ti

same qulity that requair us to think about purpose of the advertating.

when I was young, I was always think that things from advertating is good compare with

other things sells in store. I don't even think that the information is true or not.

After I became order I bought a gameboy which was adertating by the company, it only

use two month than doesn't work. Since than when I want to buy something I always go
to check what people talk about this mechine.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

different between man and women

A lot of research has been done to find out what's the different between men and women.

Acctully, there are many ways to define men and women behaiver different. According to

what I have leart before men and women have different brain type, and also different

ways to manage itself. Men are good at refering things in two part of brain, women seems

good at thinking in one area. Such as men are good at navigation system.

According to what we learn from this artical we can know that women are more easily

grip all the things together. They can handle all the things in same time, for men if you

ask them to do more than one things at the same time everything will be mass.

Also it seems that men and wemen are always different to talk together,men tend to

interpit conversation when people are talk about things, women play a role seem as to

be not as important as men.

what I experent is that men together to talk about career ,their house entertement they

enjoy together.......

Saturday, January 26, 2008

world consumption

Rencently, with the golobe econmic boom,though more and more people became rich, a new problem created which is World consumption. In a lot of place has faced this problem.

According to the artical Starbucks in american which now offer to customers $1 coffee which lose half of it price. A lot of expetrs are concern about overspending americans. According to a research more and more americans are involved in cards problem, If you ask anericans how much money you own on your card, what they answer is about half of their own to bank.

I am worried about the situation in canada, as we kwon now a days canada dollars is worth than US dollar. If this continue the goverment may own much more money than before, and also will increase the tax.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

high skyscoper

Recently more and more countries began to bulit skyscopers, such as japan china and

American. Maybe building skyscopers is a kind of competition for developed countries,

building skyscopers is also try to solve the problem we faced---population explortion.

Skyscopers have much more disadvantages than advantages. First of all skysopers cost

cost much more than other buildings, second, skyscopers are not safe when some

disgasting(?) such earthquack,fire and so on. The thitd reason is that skyscopers face

a lot techique chanllages. what I think is that skyscopers only need to be built in

countries which have large population, that no choice what they have to do is to

save land for farm and to help people for basic live. skyscoper also can be a symbol

of a city such as CN tower is the symbol of toronto.