Sunday, March 16, 2008


First of all I want to thanks our teachers give us this

oppourtunity to do the presentation. From what I do I learn a

lot of in this field. Also from listenning others presentation a lot

of other knowledge I can learn. when I prepare my presentation,

I thought this may be never end. A lot of resources and also a

lot of pictures I should find in order to give a wonderful

presentation. After I finished writing my rearch paper, Adrianne

ask me can I be a volunter to do the presentation. The first one

to do the presentation has a lot of benifits, and what I do is just

give their some information. I learn a lot from Questation period.

Acctully I think my prestation is OK not too long and tedious.

From others I think they all do a wonderful job. And they well


1 comment:

Tomas said...

What can I say about your presentation Dong...? You know you made me feel thirsty :)!!!