Sunday, March 16, 2008

About blog

This is the first blog I have ever had, of course not include

Qzone and I learn a lot to do this project. What I really want

to say is about all these writing which teacher ask to do which

improve our memorize of this units. I still can remember

animal experiment and revelution units which I love so much.

At the end of course I want to say I hope you guys can come

to school on time.

Also I want to say at this depart time I hope everyone In

this class can have a successful life and also best wishs for our

teachers lili and Adrianne, happy everyday~~~~~~~~~~~


First of all I want to thanks our teachers give us this

oppourtunity to do the presentation. From what I do I learn a

lot of in this field. Also from listenning others presentation a lot

of other knowledge I can learn. when I prepare my presentation,

I thought this may be never end. A lot of resources and also a

lot of pictures I should find in order to give a wonderful

presentation. After I finished writing my rearch paper, Adrianne

ask me can I be a volunter to do the presentation. The first one

to do the presentation has a lot of benifits, and what I do is just

give their some information. I learn a lot from Questation period.

Acctully I think my prestation is OK not too long and tedious.

From others I think they all do a wonderful job. And they well


Sunday, March 9, 2008


1 what is the defintion of International marketing??

2what is difference between domestic and international marketing?

3list the factors that influence international marking

4Give stactisics to support the war which infulence the

international making.

5 list aspect of domestic environment and foreign encironment and

by contractiong list the differences.

6 what is example of mobile phones want to say???

7 How international marking to adapt new environment?

8 what are the factors that prevent it??

Exam Anxiety

Acctully I have an experience of Exam Anxiety when I attended

the University/collage enterence exam which was the most

important exam during the student time. At that time I started to

think how could I get high mark and be accepted by university.

everynight I could not sleep. After I took a course from my high

school(before exam people who are in this field came to help us)

They told us just to relax and if you don't want to study just take

time to relax. since than I started to learn how to avoid exam


Monday, March 3, 2008

Research paper

Finally it's down....... During the hole process, I learned a lot, in

terms of how to do it and what kind of meterials are requaired

in order to write the aspect of it. At first I don't know how to

find a reliable sources, after learning from the lab,(first time went

to English lab.

Acctully I'm very luck. maybe first weekend I did too much, and

I left a lot of time for my correction, fix mistake, and also very

relax during others hard work time. maybe this is what i need

after I went to university. The most important I learn from this is

reference list. I will do a lot of papers after I go into university

I think this is the most important skills to use in university.

Also I mad a lot of mistakes during this paper. what I will

do is that I will start to read what I write after I finish writing.

concedered that grammer mistakes.

Overall , I enjoy this process very much , and what I espect

is do another research project in this level(kidding).